..and it's already a crazy one. We had lots of fun in Florida with the family. We went sailing, to a hockey game and we ate WAY too much food. I need a detox and a lot of pilates.
Also, I got a call from my old boss at the framing shop, not the crazy lady, but her ex-husband/co-owner. Apparently, crazy Haddie is no longer working there and he offered me my job back. Hmm...since he wants ME back, doesn't that mean I can ask for a raise?
But I'm not sure about it because I'm still working at the museum but that job too could be changing...nothing definite yet, but my supervisor at the museum left at the end of November on an indefinite medical leave (due to stress). No one has filled his position yet...so a co-worker and I are working on a plan to job share the position. That way we could still do programs with the kids, but also get more responsibility and more money (and share the stress of the job)! We have a meeting with the VP on Thursday morning. Everyone we've talked to at the museum is really excited for us and hopes that it works out. I'm preeeety sure we'll get the job, but ya never know...if it doesn't work out though, I guess I could go back to the store...but I'd rather work at the museum. At least I'd be working towards a career and less of just a job.