It could have been that I just left yoga class and was relaxed and happy. I could have been that I'm totally engrossed in Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (a wonderfully written book that makes me want to drop everything and travel). I'm not sure what it was but I had a Zen moment yesterday. A moment I need to relish in more often now that my work is so consuming and I feel so busy all the time.
Yesterday, as I walked to the bus stop after work I saw one of two buses I can take home waiting at my stop about a block away. I didn't feel like rushing after the bus so I said to myself "if I get there and it's still there, great, if not, there's always another bus." As I got about 20 feet from the door, the bus began to pull away. Just then I also saw another woman running after the bus, but it still kept pulling away. The bus got caught at a red light, so the determined woman went out into traffic, knocked on the door, but the bus still drove away, leaving the woman in the road....and angry. Five minutes later, as my philosophy proved true, another bus arrived, this time, the better bus because it drops me off right in front of my house (I have to walk a couple of blocks home with the other bus..yeah, I'm lazy). I walk on, find a seat, get out my book and begin reading. Happy I don't have to drive in rush hour traffic. Well, angry lady who was denied the other bus immediately begins yelling at the unassuming bus driver about how "this is a transportation service and how can you transport if you don't pick up anyone who isn't convenient to you...can you call the Calgary Transit office and report Mr. Evil 112 Bus???!!!?!" I smile and think, "wow, it must be really difficult to be a bus driver and really difficult to be that woman."
Because it was 5.30 on a Wednesday night, traffic was really terrible, backed up the whole way home and wouldn't you know it, we passed that bus who passed us up earlier. I actually got home earlier by waiting for the next bus. So when life give you lemons and it seems pretty tough, remember there will always be another bus.
Thursday, November 1
Thursday, September 27
gurrrrl powa!
Ok, so Rotten Tomatoes didn't give it a very good rating and I doubt that I would watch this movie over and over again, but if you're feeling down in the dumps 'cause you're a girl watch this movie. Death Proof is pretty entertaining.
I've always been curious about Weight Watchers because so many people have joined it. Then Heidi joined a month or so ago, so I decided to jump on the WW Wagon as well. I realized that over the last couple of years I've gained about 10 pounds of love handles that I just don't want. And when some pants start getting more snug, you start to, I joined the online version because I just couldn't see myself going to meetings...yuck. I really like it. I'm so used to doing detoxes and things that I forget that a 'diet' allows you still to eat whatever you want, just maybe not as much as you would like., whereas a detox severely limits the food you can eat. After a week and already 3 pounds lighter, I'm adjusting the correct potions of food and am not so obsessed about the stuff. There are great recipes (even Steve will eat) and I'm totally addicted to seeing the point values of things. I don't think I have bad eating habits, but my portions were out of control. I've also curbed my snacking, phew!
I've also signed up for a yoga class. There is one offered at work and it's fantastic. I find myself really looking forward to Wednesday afternoons where I can spend an hour and a half stretching, calming down, and relaxing. I really recommend it to everyone. I feel so healthy!
I've always been curious about Weight Watchers because so many people have joined it. Then Heidi joined a month or so ago, so I decided to jump on the WW Wagon as well. I realized that over the last couple of years I've gained about 10 pounds of love handles that I just don't want. And when some pants start getting more snug, you start to, I joined the online version because I just couldn't see myself going to meetings...yuck. I really like it. I'm so used to doing detoxes and things that I forget that a 'diet' allows you still to eat whatever you want, just maybe not as much as you would like., whereas a detox severely limits the food you can eat. After a week and already 3 pounds lighter, I'm adjusting the correct potions of food and am not so obsessed about the stuff. There are great recipes (even Steve will eat) and I'm totally addicted to seeing the point values of things. I don't think I have bad eating habits, but my portions were out of control. I've also curbed my snacking, phew!
I've also signed up for a yoga class. There is one offered at work and it's fantastic. I find myself really looking forward to Wednesday afternoons where I can spend an hour and a half stretching, calming down, and relaxing. I really recommend it to everyone. I feel so healthy!
Friday, September 7
Plays on perception
Wha? The lead singer of Silversun Pickups is a guy? I liked the band so much better when I pictured an ansty, scrawny girl just givin'er.
We need more angsty girl bands.
Sorry BRIAN, you're gonna still be a girl to me in my head.
We need more angsty girl bands.
Sorry BRIAN, you're gonna still be a girl to me in my head.
Friday, August 17
Oh nos!

How horrible would the world be without gummy candy. Get rid of chocolate, who cares about caramel, but GUMMIES!
This may make me give biofuels and second look.
Check out to see all the photos and stories of our trip to Torch Lake this summer. It was loads of fun and I'm already hearing from people "When is the reunion trip." Haha.
Friday, July 27

Folks have been on a cupcake craze lately, have you noticed? With cupcake specialty places popping up all over the city and all. I mean, don't get me wrong, like a cupcake here and there, sure, but this cupcake takes the...well...cake! I totally want this! Though I have very little use for it because I'm actually quite terrible at baking and don't really care for sweet stuff, but the reaction when you brought the giantest cupcake to a dinner party would be the best!
And these? Well these are just the cutest little things ever! How adorable to have these bad boys coming out of your hot pink iPod!

Tuesday, July 24
Wow. It's crazy humid here. The weather has been super nice. In the 30s for practically weeks! Ok's how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice versa. For C to F, multiply by 2 and add 32. For example, 30C = 30 x 2 + 32 = 92F....well, it's actually 86 but you get the point. And for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius...well, why the hell would you do that? It's already understandable. I think we should just all change to Kelvin.
4 days til vacation.
4 days til vacation.
Thursday, July 19
I went to a funeral today. The sister of a girl I work with was murdered last week. 4 - 5 males went around last week early Wednesday morning and stabbed 5 different people. She was the only one to be killed. They don't know who did it. It may be gang related initiation or something.
Then on the way back from the funeral, I was rear-ended by yet another loser in this city. It wasn't hard, a mere bump really, but the fat piece of shit didn't even get out of his car to apologize. Instead, he kept his fat ass in his Corsica (license plate number SK 992 SFJ) ate his sandwich and just shrugged at me.
I told him to 'fuck off' and gave him the finger. That made me feel better. *sigh* Humanity is very trying.
Then on the way back from the funeral, I was rear-ended by yet another loser in this city. It wasn't hard, a mere bump really, but the fat piece of shit didn't even get out of his car to apologize. Instead, he kept his fat ass in his Corsica (license plate number SK 992 SFJ) ate his sandwich and just shrugged at me.
I told him to 'fuck off' and gave him the finger. That made me feel better. *sigh* Humanity is very trying.
Thursday, July 12
Monday, July 9
Friday I saw the biggest fire I've ever seen! It completely destroyed an entire apartment building. The flames were 75' in the air. You could see the smoke 10 miles away.
Super scary!
Here's the news story about it.
Friday I saw the biggest fire I've ever seen! It completely destroyed an entire apartment building. The flames were 75' in the air. You could see the smoke 10 miles away.
Super scary!
Here's the news story about it.
Sunday, July 8
Cute handbag alert!

(p.s. that's my new kitchen behind me)
Tuesday, July 3
My new profession.
I pulled a George Constanza today. I'm officially a hand model. I have started my portfolio and I'm on my way to changing careers. Anytime you see a Mavericks Navigator* promotional photo with a beautifully proportionate and elegant hand holding the device, that is me. It's hard work being a hand model, but I really feel like I'm making a difference in the world.
*The Mavericks Navigator is an interactive PDA that gives you further information in the Mavericks galleries at the Glenbow Museum.
*The Mavericks Navigator is an interactive PDA that gives you further information in the Mavericks galleries at the Glenbow Museum.
Monday, July 2

Steve successfully installed a new kitchen faucet with a sprayer! The old one was gross and it leaked. He'll probably tackle the bathroom next as that also leaks. It's fun to do all the little projects and repairs but I wonder if the novelty will wear off eventually. When that does, we can curl up next to our fireplace and relax.
Some friends are coming over for fondue so I should get choppin' broccoooleeeee (insert Dana Carvey song here) for the tempura. mmm....foudue is fundue.
Thursday, June 28
Road Trip

Before I leave Alberta, which I'm sure I'll do at some point in my life, I must go the Torrington Gopher Hole Museum.
Yep, gophers, prairie dogs, ground squirrels. Whatever you call them, at this museum, they kill 'em, stuff 'em and dress 'em up in ridiculous clothing. I'm sure there's an PETA campaign here somewhere, but seriously...this HAS to be a ridiculous museum that I have to go to sometime.
Steve has a lot of ground squirrels around his work. They PEEP to each other and stand guard at their various holes in the ground. Steve like to throw nuts at them. I think they are cute. I think they are pretty dumb though. They are probably the reason why there are so many coyotes around there too. Easy prey. But if they were dressed up like women doing their grocery shopping, the coyotes probably wouldn't know what to do.
Hmm...maybe the Torrington Gopher Museum is onto something. Maybe they are trying to teach the gophers how to protect themselves from hungry coyotes.
Wednesday, June 27
It's Stampede season again. I like the Stampy. The windows downtown are painted, the tourists are out in droves, the cowboy hats are in full effect, and free pancake breakfasts every day. If you work downtown, everything slows to a southern drawl and work doesn't seem to happen.
Even the Calgary police who patrol the streets downtown wear cowboy hats. Like the cops I saw on the way to work today. They busted a drug addict and they were going through his bag, pulling out needles and other various drug paraphernalia. It was sad, but had a light-hearted feeling because the cops were wearing their cowboy hats.
Cowboy hats seem to make the saddest situation seem a bit less sad. Next time I have to do something or deal with something sad, I should just put on a cowboy hat. Or a beenie helicopter hat. Those hats are funny too.
Even the Calgary police who patrol the streets downtown wear cowboy hats. Like the cops I saw on the way to work today. They busted a drug addict and they were going through his bag, pulling out needles and other various drug paraphernalia. It was sad, but had a light-hearted feeling because the cops were wearing their cowboy hats.
Cowboy hats seem to make the saddest situation seem a bit less sad. Next time I have to do something or deal with something sad, I should just put on a cowboy hat. Or a beenie helicopter hat. Those hats are funny too.
Tuesday, June 26
Monday, June 25
*warning: lame weather post below*
Weather here is nuts. Yesterday is bright and sunny in my neighborhood with 70s and summery. But. It's hailing 3 miles away with crazy amounts of damage. Now today. Burrr...and 40s.
Where's the summer now? Huh?
So, I drink ginger tea and try to warm up while researching how to install tub doors. I think I want a tub door and no more of this shower curtain nonsense.
Weather here is nuts. Yesterday is bright and sunny in my neighborhood with 70s and summery. But. It's hailing 3 miles away with crazy amounts of damage. Now today. Burrr...and 40s.
Where's the summer now? Huh?
So, I drink ginger tea and try to warm up while researching how to install tub doors. I think I want a tub door and no more of this shower curtain nonsense.
Friday, June 22
Aww...a cute mouse ran across the sidewalk in front of me yesterday. He was like a little brown bullet who couldn't find a place to hide, darting back and forth along the building. I hope he found a yummy garbage can to hide out in.
Thursday, June 21
yeah, yeah...haven't posted in a while.
You know that saying "be careful for what you wish for"? It's weird when that becomes true, huh? Yesterday, while riding the bus (the new bus I recently discovered that cuts my commute home by 30 minutes!) I was thinking to myself "gee, it sure is weird that I've never been in an accident on the bus" because there are some crazy bus drivers. 5 minutes after that thought...BONK and a *gasp* from the crowd on the bus. I thought " accident...that's weird after I just thought that!"
But apparently, the bus driver had only hit a guy on the head with his side mirror.
...ok I shouldn't laugh, but HAHAH! What is that guy doing, hanging his head into the road when a bus is coming??!?!?
You know that saying "be careful for what you wish for"? It's weird when that becomes true, huh? Yesterday, while riding the bus (the new bus I recently discovered that cuts my commute home by 30 minutes!) I was thinking to myself "gee, it sure is weird that I've never been in an accident on the bus" because there are some crazy bus drivers. 5 minutes after that thought...BONK and a *gasp* from the crowd on the bus. I thought " accident...that's weird after I just thought that!"
But apparently, the bus driver had only hit a guy on the head with his side mirror.
...ok I shouldn't laugh, but HAHAH! What is that guy doing, hanging his head into the road when a bus is coming??!?!?
Friday, February 2
Sarcastic man says "Burning fossil fuels is causing global warming? NO WAY!"
Wow, they finally said it...and scientists are 90% sure that the burning of fossil fuels is causing the Earth to heat up. NO KIDDING? What else did you think it was? A fluke? A one time thing? Have you noticed that there's no snow where there used to be? Have you noticed the storms are bigger and badder than ever? Have you noticed chunks of the Arctic falling off? Canada is shrinking!
Then, lobbying groups in all of their infinate wisdom and care for the general good of people, go ahead and do something like this. Attempting to pay off scientists in an attempt to prevent this information from becoming public or skewing the information to seem less awful. From a company that made $75,000 a minute last year, you'd a-thought they would have tried to bribe them with more than $10,000 per scientist...
My action plan is sometimes through inaction. I act by recycling, using incandescent bulbs, reusing items, turning off lights and water, etc, etc, etc, that is my action...but I also refuse to give business to people who have such blantent disregard for the future. Join my inaction in boycotting any gas, goods and services from Exxon, Esso or Mobile stations...maybe this year they'll only make $70,000 a minute.
That is my political rant of the day, but really yo...we can't just sit around and pick our noses when it comes to the environment. It's like shitting where you eat. That's just gross and no one will want to be your friend .
Then, lobbying groups in all of their infinate wisdom and care for the general good of people, go ahead and do something like this. Attempting to pay off scientists in an attempt to prevent this information from becoming public or skewing the information to seem less awful. From a company that made $75,000 a minute last year, you'd a-thought they would have tried to bribe them with more than $10,000 per scientist...
My action plan is sometimes through inaction. I act by recycling, using incandescent bulbs, reusing items, turning off lights and water, etc, etc, etc, that is my action...but I also refuse to give business to people who have such blantent disregard for the future. Join my inaction in boycotting any gas, goods and services from Exxon, Esso or Mobile stations...maybe this year they'll only make $70,000 a minute.
That is my political rant of the day, but really yo...we can't just sit around and pick our noses when it comes to the environment. It's like shitting where you eat. That's just gross and no one will want to be your friend .
Tuesday, January 23
The German med student is in da house..
..haha, thanks Nicole...I guess this is the more appropriate website for our new pet. He sure is much more interesting than the Ham. He's awake most of the day and in the wild he likes to create elaborate tunnels, so he's always digging away in his cage. He loves to be pet, but not picked up. We're still working on that. He managed to have an adventure the other night, by leaping from Steve's hands and hiding out (among the many, many wires) under the TV.
"Don't bite the wires, we might have fried squirrel in the house"
He also likes to perch himself at a high point in the cage so he's always climbing and leaping about. Degus also have a variety of squeaks and noises they make, he sounds like a whispering, chirping bird when he's happy and screeeeechs when you scare the hell out of him.
Pretty neat little guy.
"Don't bite the wires, we might have fried squirrel in the house"
He also likes to perch himself at a high point in the cage so he's always climbing and leaping about. Degus also have a variety of squeaks and noises they make, he sounds like a whispering, chirping bird when he's happy and screeeeechs when you scare the hell out of him.
Pretty neat little guy.
Sunday, January 14
Meh-he-ko and Loins
"I ambulance ambulance heart heart square circle!"
That's webdings for "I had a lot of fun in Mexico". We had a few discussions about webdings in Mexico...more like we spoke in webdings. We did a lot of drinking by the pool in the sun (if you're wondering why we were speaking in webdings) and not a lot of anything else. The wedding was really neat, by the ocean with a large hairy man swimming in the background. (Thankfully, he left shortly before the ceremony started) The resort was nice and HUGE! It took us 10 minutes to get from our room to the lobby. It was also quite crowded. I don't know if I want to travel during the winter holidays like that again. But we had lots of fun. Check out for all the photos.
In other sad news. R.I.P. Loins aka Ham.
Poor Samina was the one to find him, in his food dish. At least he died doing what he loved best...sitting in his food dish. He would take all the food out of the dish and disperse it among the corners of his cage. Then he'd sit in the dish. So, Samina comes over to check on the Ham, finds him stiff in his dish. She's not sure what to do so she phones Damo. He tells her to put the Ham in a bag and put him in our freezer. She's worried that we wouldn't want dead Ham germs on our food in the freezer so Damo tells her to bring Ham over to his house to put in his freezer, as he doesn't care about the dead Ham germs. So she does and they have a beer. Now, we have to find a day when the weather is above -20 so we can bury the Ham, next to the other Ham that we buried in Damo and Nicole's backyard.
I'm sad, but we are getting another pet soon. A degu.
That's webdings for "I had a lot of fun in Mexico". We had a few discussions about webdings in Mexico...more like we spoke in webdings. We did a lot of drinking by the pool in the sun (if you're wondering why we were speaking in webdings) and not a lot of anything else. The wedding was really neat, by the ocean with a large hairy man swimming in the background. (Thankfully, he left shortly before the ceremony started) The resort was nice and HUGE! It took us 10 minutes to get from our room to the lobby. It was also quite crowded. I don't know if I want to travel during the winter holidays like that again. But we had lots of fun. Check out for all the photos.
In other sad news. R.I.P. Loins aka Ham.
Poor Samina was the one to find him, in his food dish. At least he died doing what he loved best...sitting in his food dish. He would take all the food out of the dish and disperse it among the corners of his cage. Then he'd sit in the dish. So, Samina comes over to check on the Ham, finds him stiff in his dish. She's not sure what to do so she phones Damo. He tells her to put the Ham in a bag and put him in our freezer. She's worried that we wouldn't want dead Ham germs on our food in the freezer so Damo tells her to bring Ham over to his house to put in his freezer, as he doesn't care about the dead Ham germs. So she does and they have a beer. Now, we have to find a day when the weather is above -20 so we can bury the Ham, next to the other Ham that we buried in Damo and Nicole's backyard.
I'm sad, but we are getting another pet soon. A degu.
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