Before I leave Alberta, which I'm sure I'll do at some point in my life, I must go the Torrington Gopher Hole Museum.
Yep, gophers, prairie dogs, ground squirrels. Whatever you call them, at this museum, they kill 'em, stuff 'em and dress 'em up in ridiculous clothing. I'm sure there's an PETA campaign here somewhere, but seriously...this HAS to be a ridiculous museum that I have to go to sometime.
Steve has a lot of ground squirrels around his work. They PEEP to each other and stand guard at their various holes in the ground. Steve like to throw nuts at them. I think they are cute. I think they are pretty dumb though. They are probably the reason why there are so many coyotes around there too. Easy prey. But if they were dressed up like women doing their grocery shopping, the coyotes probably wouldn't know what to do.
Hmm...maybe the Torrington Gopher Museum is onto something. Maybe they are trying to teach the gophers how to protect themselves from hungry coyotes.