Monday, September 12

Public Transit Annoyance #6

Dear Stinky Woman in Front of Me on the #2 Bus:

Why must you wear so much bloody perfume? Your vile stench is like a plague to my sinus cavities. It permiates my head and leaves me with a wicked headache for an hours. Is it that you have a terrible body odor problem? To be honest with you, I'd rather smell someone's stinky feet after bathing in a pot of fermented bile than deal with your 5 oz of cheap Walmart eau de toilet douced upon your clothes. After years of wearing that much perfume, you must not be able to smell anymore, that must be the problem! I recommend one spray, sprayed in front of you and walked into. Because you are definitely over-doing the smell, I can actually see the fumes coming off your clothes!

A fellow passenger and concerned citizen.

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