Another thing that happened yesterday...though it's not quite as funny. I was teaching a program at the Glenbow. A fun program called Landers and Builders. The students create a "landers" culture by exploring artifacts...it's a long complicated explanation that I won't get into too much detail over...but I start the program by discussing what makes a culture a culture. Holidays, clothing, religion...all that stuff. I asked "when do you celebrate Thanksgiving". Some idiots said June, but most of them said "OCTOBER!". I said, "well I celebrate it in November because that is my culture" trying to show a difference between 2 similar people....well that opened Pandora's box of the "oh great, you're an American..." See, these kids are homeschooled. I'm not sure what their parents' deal is, why they decided to homeschool their kids, but I gather that the parents have strong opinions about many things, including Americans. I've tried to keep an open mind about homeschooling. I know that there are religious and geographic reasons for homeschooling, but I've always felt that the kids don't get the socialization other "regular"-schooled kids get. I guess I never thought about the completely ridiculous opinions the kids are fed from their parents. The KIDS even were "yuck, Americans are bad...they kill people". ARGH! I've never heard this from kids. Only idiot adults who are too ignorant to not believe stereotypes and the media. Teachers in public schools, no matter what their opinion, would not be allowed to teach kids that "(insert group here) are bad people and we Canadians are better, this is fact". But homeschooled kids have no choice. These kids are told what their parents want to tell them and never exposed to other types of people. Yet another proof that homeschooling is bad. Yet another proof people are just a flock of seagulls.
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