Monday, June 25


*warning: lame weather post below*

Weather here is nuts. Yesterday is bright and sunny in my neighborhood with 70s and summery. But. It's hailing 3 miles away with crazy amounts of damage. Now today. Burrr...and 40s.

Where's the summer now? Huh?

So, I drink ginger tea and try to warm up while researching how to install tub doors. I think I want a tub door and no more of this shower curtain nonsense.


Unknown said...

That is hilarious, considering that Phil and I right now are talking about getting rid of our shower doors and having curtains installed. :) I don't know if you remember ours... but we have those metal-framed sliding glass doors. I don't really like the metal frame. But then again, I do like how much light comes through the glass doors...

Nat. said...

Yeah, there are pros and cons of both. It's just that our new bathroom is kinda small and I feel like the doors would make it look 'neater' and take up less space.