Friday, July 27


Folks have been on a cupcake craze lately, have you noticed? With cupcake specialty places popping up all over the city and all. I mean, don't get me wrong, like a cupcake here and there, sure, but this cupcake takes the...well...cake! I totally want this! Though I have very little use for it because I'm actually quite terrible at baking and don't really care for sweet stuff, but the reaction when you brought the giantest cupcake to a dinner party would be the best!

And these? Well these are just the cutest little things ever! How adorable to have these bad boys coming out of your hot pink iPod!


Unknown said...

wait... I don't get the first thingie... EXPLAIN TO ME, POR FAVOR!

Those cupcake speakers are cute as hell though.

Unknown said...

oh god, nevermind, I'm retarded. I get it.

Wait, I want to make one now.
But then I'd have to give it away, because I don't want giant cupcakes in my house.