What have I been doing in the last 2 months? What haven't I been doing, I suppose would be the better question.
I worked at MRC as the art teacher in the magically delicious Mystical Art (aka Harry Potter influenced craft fun). It was ok. Well, it definitely had its fun moments like silly kids and the satisfaction of creating fun projects the kids enjoyed. It definitely had its NON fun moments like swimming with 200 other pants-pee-ers and barfers, playing dumbass games, and dealing with some of the people who thought they'd enjoy powertrips by forcing idiotic rules and plans even though they didn't know what they were doing and had virutally no experience working with kids. I mean, what do I really know, COME ON...I only have a degree and years of experience. Ah well...it was a means to an end and I know that in neither this life, nor others to come, I want to be a elementary art teacher. Blah, puke, blah...I can deal with pregnancy, sexual orientation issues, and drugs...I cannot deal with crying because you put too much glue on your paper owl and now he's all white (even though the glue dries clear). "It's your own damn fault ya baby, suck it up!"
I was also busy working on the Inuit Museokit for the Glenbow. I had to become a know-nothing Southern North American to an expert on Inuit culture in less than 3 weeks. I did it, the Inuit are really amazing and it was really fun.
We went camping a few times this summer where we got drunk, ate veggie dogs and saw lots of mountain sheep (one even had the squirts, it was quite disgusting and terribly funny). "this truly, truly....truly is God's country"
Now, I'm enjoying a few weeks of leisure before programs start at the museum. I have a painting in the works, I deep cleaned the house and getting lots of things done that I've wanted to do for a while. I think everyone should have a week off once a year, not for vacation, but for peddly things that never get done.